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Air Purification Stations

Keep your lab air fresh with 24/7 contaminate free air flow. ERLAB’s complete air purification systems are designed to capture airborne laboratory pollutants at the source and permanently trap them in high-efficiency filters. These standalone systems are completely separate from the building’s ventilation system. Enjoy the purest air at the lowest cost with these complete air purification systems for toxic vapors, viruses, bacteria, particles, allergens, and indoor pollution (PM 2.5).

ERLAB filtering chemical fume hoods provide unrivaled filtration quality, ensuring a superior level of user protection. By capturing toxic gasses at source and filtering them with the most powerful ERLAB-developed filters in the world (10 to 1,000 times more effective than other filters on the market) they deliver at least 99.995% pure air, inside and out.

halo C smart

HALO C Smart (Carbon)

Superior protection against gas and toxic vapors

Capture fugitive chemical emissions at the room level utilizing ERLAB’s proprietary carbon filtration with the highest broad-range capacity, adhering the the strictest of air quality standards. Originally developed to capture hazardous chemical emissions produced by chemical laboratory experiments, HALO Carbon purification systems are an ideal solution for any business concerned with VOC’s, ensuring their facilities are safe for all employees.

Compliant with the NF X 15-211 safety standard for laboratories, they ensure comprehensive molecular filtration of a wide variety of atmospheric pollutants, including VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which can threaten the health of all occupants.

  • Flashing LED lights (Smart technology) for real-time communication and intuitive updates for the user on the device’s operational status
  • Internal BMS port
  • Ethernet port for remote safety monitoring
  • Four ceiling suspension rings
  • Eight clean air diffusers for uniform circulation of air throughout the room
  • A dedicated air quality sensor
  • Post-filter for controlling the ventilation regulation through PWM
  • Pre-filter for absorption of the largest airborne particles (hair, dust, etc.)
  • Modular filtration column exclusive to Erlab, allowing 3 laboratory-grade molecular filters to be used
  • Access chamber for easy filter and fan replacement

halo p smart


Superior protection against viral and bacterial particles, dust, allergens

A single device provides a complete cycle equivalent air change rate per hour (eACH) for every 10,000 ft³ of air, which is the volume of air in a room with 1,000 ft² of floorspace. It works continuously to entirely replenish the air in a room. More units in a space will provide more air changes per hour. Every customers space is different and every customer is provided with a tailored plan based on several factors including occupancy density factors.

Installing Halo’s throughout your facility provides increased air change rates, improved room mixing, or ventilation effectiveness (VEFF) and 24/7 HEPA filtration. The Halo provides a permanent infrastructure improvement sustainably without the need for costly upgrades to your HVAC (Heating – Ventilation – Air Conditioning).

Each Halo consumes a total of 50W of energy making the Halo a much more cost effective solution than energy costs which are absorbed from an increase in your existing HVAC air turnovers and if possible filters. The higher grade filter the greater the restriction of air , which means the fan will have to work harder and the efficiency of your HVAC could very likely be compromised.

  • Flashing LED lights (Smart technology) for real-time communication and intuitive updates for the user on the device’s operational status
  • Internal BMS port
  • Ethernet port for remote safety monitoring
  • Four ceiling suspension rings
  • Four clean air diffusers for uniform circulation of air throughout the room
  • Modular filtration column exclusive to ERLAB, allowing 2 high-quality HEPA and ULPA particulate filters to be used
  • Pre-filter for the absorption of the largest airborne particles (hair, dust, etc.)
  • Access chamber for easy filter and fan replacement